The Women in the Academic Field: A Correlation Survey Study of some Variables Related to General Job Satisfaction and Organizational Loyalty of Some Faculty members at Qatar University
This study aimed at implicate for understanding the job satisfaction and organizational commitment of Qatari female academic staff members in Qatar University, and observe how job satisfaction and organizational commitment variables influence each other. Two questionnaires was done to collect data: (1) job satisfaction questionnaire (32) items. (2) Organizational commitment questionnaire (13) items. These items of the questionnaires were measured on a liker-type scale, ranged from 1 : strongly disagree to 5=strongly agree. Data were collected through the academic year 2004/2005. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results of this study found no significant relationships between job satisfaction and some variables related to general job satisfaction , also found no significant relationship between job satisfaction and organizational commitment between female staff members in Qatar University, and the high level of the organizational commitment between the staff female faculty members at Qatar University can exit without the job satisfaction.