Manal Ali Hilal Al Qalhati Mohamed Ali Shahat Abdullah Khamis Ambusaidi


This study aimed to identify the extent to which scientific literacy dimensions are included in the projects participating in the GLOBE Environmental Program in the Sultanate of Oman. To achieve this aim, the study instrument was designed, which is a card for analyzing the content of scientific projects in the light of the four dimensions with (29) items of scientific literacy, namely: scientific knowledge, thinking and problem-solving methods, scientific investigation, and the interchangeable relationship between work, technology, society, and the environment. A number of specialists in science education verified the validity of the content of the study’s instrument. Its reliability was confirmed using the "Kappa" coefficient between the two analyzers, where it reached (90%), which is suitable, based on the purpose of the analysis. The study results indicated that the dimensions of scientific literacy are included in the projects participating in the GLOBE Environmental Program. The results showed that the content of the analyzed projects, in general, have all the items of the four dimensions of scientific literacy included in the study instrument, at a rate of 100%. The dimensions of scientific literacy were distributed in descending order according to the percentages dealt with as follows: thinking and problem-solving methods (36.9%), scientific investigation (23.4%), scientific knowledge (20.3%), and, finally, the interrelationship between science, technology, society and the environment (19.3%). The study highly recommended integrating these projects participating in the GLOBE Environmental Program and the curricula, because of their profound role in developing the dimensions of scientific literacy among students.


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GLOBE Environmental Program
Dimensions of scientific literacy
Scientific projects
Scientific projects participating in the GLOBE Environmental Program

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How to Cite
Al Qalhati, Manal Ali Hilal, Mohamed Ali Shahat, and Abdullah Khamis Ambusaidi. 2024. “The Extent to Which the Dimensions of Scientific Literacy Are Included in the Projects Participating in the GLOBE Environmental Program in the Sultanate of Oman”. Journal of Educational Sciences – Qatar University 23 (23).
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