Journal Profile  


The Journal of Educational Sciences is a peer-reviewed and periodical scientific journal, issued by the College of Education at Qatar University and published by Qatar University Press with three issues per year. The journal publishes original theoretical and applicable research in all educational fields of knowledge in both Arabic and English. The journal was published for the first time by Qatar University’s College of Education in 2002.

Print ISSN: 2706-6711

Online ISSN: 2706-672X

  • Focus and Scope

    The Journal’s publishing fields cover educational and psychological research, edited research based on master’s and doctoral theses, book reviews, and conference reports with an emphasis on local, regional and international educational issues.The journal seeks to publish novel and original educational research which brings new findings in the field.

    Publication Frequency

    In 2023, The Journal of Educational Sciences recently increased its publication frequency to three issues per year to be published in April, August, and December, instead of two, since the beginning of 2023; This is in line with the Journal’s vision to enhance its contribution in the dissemination and development of educational knowledge and responds to the increasing number of submissions received by the journal.  

  • Vision and Mission


    Contribute to the development and dissemination of educational knowledge, the development of scientific theories of educational issues, and the improvement of educational decisions and policies.


    The journal aims to achieve its vision by seeking to be a distinguished scientific platform and a reliable source for the dissemination of the original educational knowledge sought by educators in various specializations. This is achieved through whilst implementing clear publishing rules and policies in line with international standards, guaranteeing quality and fast peer review, expanding the fields of publication to include contemporary issues and educational trends, and raising the journal’s classification in international indexing databases.


    1. Enriching educational knowledge by providing a scientific platform for the dissemination of authentic scientific research in educational fields.

    2. Sharing with researchers successful educational experiences in countries with diverse educational and cultural systems.

    3. Strengthening the network of communication between researchers in various countries and forming research teams.

    4. Mobilizing distinguished researchers to address contemporary educational problems and issues and deal with them according to the latest theories and scientific methods.

    5. Developing researchers’ publishing skills by providing information and guidance for writing distinguished research papers.

    6. Supporting educational decision makers in making rational educational decisions based on the results of scholarly educational research.