Author Guidelines

  • Introduction
  • This guide, issued by the Journal of Educational Sciences, aims to assist authors, peer reviewers, editors, and members of the journal in following unified standard guidelines and writing style for all published articles in order to raise the publishing quality by facilitating and accelerating the review process.

  • Author definition
  • An author is whoever is mentioned on the submitted article for publishing and meets the following three conditions:

    • He/she must have contributed to the conception and design of the study or to the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data.

    • Drafted the research paper or critically revised it.

    • Gave final approval to the research paper’s version submitted for publication.

    A person should not be listed as an author if he/she does not fulfill the above-mentioned criteria. The acquisition of funding, collection of data, or supervision of the research group are not enough to justify authorship alone, however, such contributions shall be listed in the acknowledgments section. Research papers submitted by two or more authors to the journal must obtain the consent of all participating authors in the research.

  • Submission of Research Papers
  • Research papers and studies must be submitted to the Journal of Educational Science’s Editorial Board through the journal’s platform on the following link.

    Authors are expected to ensure that they follow the journal's writing guidelines and conditions before submitting their research paper to the journal, otherwise, the journal shall return the submission for further amendments and compliance before evaluation.

  • Required documents
  • Authors must ensure that the following files are uploaded upon submission through the journal platform:

    • Title page and author(s) information.

    • Abstract in both Arabic and English.

    • An anonymized file of the research paper (delete any information that reveals the identity of the author).

    • A completed and signed Author Declaration form.

    • Checklist for compliance with publishing conditions and guide.

  • Publishing standards
  • The journal accepts research studies in both Arabic and English, provided that the following conditions are met:

    • The research must be in line with the goals and research scope of the journal.

    • The research must be original and should not be previously published or submitted for publishing elsewhere, neither partially nor in full. Accordingly, the author(s) must submit a written acknowledgment of that along the submission.

    • The research should novel and should have a clear contribution to its field.

    • The author/s shall abide by the intellectual property law and scientific integrity, as well as research methods and ethics principles mentioned on the journal’s website .

    • The author undertakes to perform the required amendments provided by peer reviewers, in line with the journal’s peer review process mentioned on the website .

    • The journal may accept the publishing of a research paper built or extracted from a scientific thesis (Master’s or PhD), on the condition that that it is restructured, edited, and updated. In this case, this must be disclosed in the author’s declaration form and referred to in the first footnote (linked to the title) of the research paper. Purely identical research copied from a master’s or doctoral theses is not accepted.

    • The research paper words count should range between a minimum of 6000 words and a maximum of 10000 words, including figures, illustrations, tables, appendices, and references.

    • All research submissions are screened through iThenticate plagiarism software.

    • The research shall be based on recent data and scholarly resources that foster the specialization’s research developments.

  • Research Structure
  • The following research structure shall be followed:

    1. Title page and author(s) information:
      • Full title of the research paper (not more than fifteen words, including headlines and subheadings)
      • Principal author’s full name
      • Author’s scientific rank, specialization and affiliation, country
      • Email address
      • ORCID number of the Principal author. To open an account visit

      The names of co-authors should be arranged sequentially according to the research contribution and efforts and in line with international scholarly publishing ethics.

    2. Abstract (in English and Arabic):
      • The abstract should not exceed 250 words.
      • The abstract should briefly discuss the research problem, objectives, and importance of study. It then briefly explain the research methods, tools and methodologies, and most important analysis and statistics. Finally, it gives a glimpse on the most important conclusions, recommendations or scientific value.
    3. Research body:

      The research paper should include a general introduction about the research subject where the author paves the way for the research discussions. Next, the research questions, hypotheses, importance of study, objectives, and terminologies are elaborated. The theoretical framework, literature review and previous studies are discussed in way that relate to the research constructs and questions. It is important to address the research limitations (objective, human, temporal, procedural, or other). In the next section, the research methodology is presented with the study population, target sample, sampling method, data collection tools and procedures, and statistical methods and tools used for data analysis. Then the discussions and analyses on the study’s results are presented in relation with the hypotheses and questions. Finally, the conclusion, which contains a summary of the study’s findings, recommendations, and proposed future studies, is provided.

      - It is possible to add an acknowledgment note at the end of the research in which the author expresses his gratitude to everyone or anyone who contributed to the research in a valuable way.

      - If the research is funded, an acknowledgement for the entity/funding institution must be provided with the disclosure of the grant number and full name of the grating institution in the first margin of the research paper.

      - In case the paper is extracted from a master’s or doctoral thesis, the author must disclose this fact in the first footnote of the research, with reference to the original title, grating university, date, and link to the original study, if available.

  • Approved style guide
  • The writing of citations and reference list should be standardized according to the seventh edition of the American Psychological Association (APA) style, which can be viewed on the link:

    The author should set a bibliography of sources and references at the end of the research paper, in the same style of citing footnotes, but arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s family name.

  • Submission Format
  • Authors should ensure that their research paper adheres to the following guidelines:

    • The research should be written correctly with proper use of the language and grammatical structure, and correct spelling and punctuation.

    • Citations and references should be recent

    • The research paper should be formatted in an editable Word format document, where Times New Roman font size 12 is used, and paragraph spacing is set at 1.5

    • Use bold font style for main headlines and sub-headlines instead of underline and organize the research papers by numbering its sections.

    • Use font size 10 points for the tables’ titles and content as well as for the illustrations.

    • Use of bold should be limited in the text and may only be used for scientific indication.

    • The page numbers should appear in the middle of the bottom of the research pages.

  • Illustrations, figures and tables
  • The numbering of all illustrations, tables and figures should be consecutive (for example: Table No. 1, Figure No. 1). In case of multiple numbering divisions, each division should be classified (for example Figure 1 (A), Figure 1 (B).

    The captions of the figures should be descriptive and written in bold, such as: Figure 1, Figure 2.

    Each illustration, figure or table should be provided as a separate file named and numbered according to the research and in high resolution that is suitable for design.

    Note: The author must obtain permission from the copyright holder to reproduce figures in the journal published elsewhere. Failure to provide this permission can result in images not being included.

  • Supplying Digital Images
  • Most images sourced on the internet will not be of a high enough resolution and cannot be used. If you locate an image on the internet, you will need to find its original source and request a high-resolution version.

    You will need to clear permission as necessary for the use of images.


    Scan at a minimum of 300 dpi and save as a TIFF image for PC.

    Final size of scan to be approximately 250 x 200 mm.

    Line illustrations (maps, graphs, etc.)

    Scan at a minimum of 1200 dpi and save as a TIFF image for PC.

    Final size of the scan to be approximately 250 x 200 mm.


    Tints used on computer-generated illustrations should be no lighter than 15% and no darker than 70%. Do not use pattern fills. Do not use color fills.

    Line weights Bearing in mind that line illustrations supplied at approximately 250 x 200 mm will be reduced in size to fit comfortably on an average page size of 234 x 156 mm, the line weights will be reduced correspondingly. Do not, therefore, use a line weight of less than 1 point/pixel in illustrations.

    Illustration file types TIFF

    Save files as TIFF images for PC. We would prefer you not to compress TIFF files; if you need to compress them, use a lossless compression software package such as LZW.


    Images can also be supplied as EPS files, with a laser print for identification. EPS files cannot be altered; if we are required to edit these files, the original application files should be supplied with all fonts used.

    Other digital formats

    JPGs and images downloaded from the internet are normally low resolution (72 dpi) and are not usually suitable for reproduction by conventional printing methods.

    Unacceptable file types: MS Word and Excel.

    Print images

    If you are supplying print images, mark each illustration very lightly on the back (in the corner) in a soft pencil with its number (e.g. Figure 4.1).