Bashayer Fahad Aleisa Reem Yaqoub Altamimi Eisa Mohammad Alkandari


The study aimed to identify students' attitudes towards the application of distance education and its relationship to some variables in light of the COVID-19 pandemic in the State of Kuwait. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researchers designed a study questionnaire, which was distributed to (19826) students of the College of Basic Education, according to the official statistics of the college for the academic year 2019/2020, and the study sample consisted of (881) male and female students. The researchers used several statistical methods appropriate to the nature of this study, one of the most important results of which was the presence of medium-level trends among students of the College of Basic Education towards the application of distance education in light of the Corona pandemic. The results also showed that they have medium degree potential that qualifies them to use distance education. The results also showed no statistically significant differences between the averages of the study sample members regarding their attitudes towards distance education and their available capabilities in applying it due to the variables of gender, academic year, and specialization.


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Students’ attitudes
Corona Pandemic
College of Basic Education

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How to Cite
Aleisa, Bashayer Fahad, Reem Yaqoub Altamimi, and Eisa Mohammad Alkandari. 2024. “Students’ Attitudes towards Distance Education in Covid-19 at College of Basic Education”. Journal of Educational Sciences – Qatar University 24 (1).
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