Attitudes of Students in Yarmouk University And Jordan University of Science and Technology Toward Organ Donation
This study aimed at developing an attitudinal scale toward organ donation, and identifying the factor structure of attitudes toward organ donation, the nature of the attitudes, and the effect of sex. Likert rating scale of 45 items was developed, and applied on 470 students from different specializations in Y armouk University and Jordan University of Science and Technology. Data analysis for testing items that measure the emotional intensity gave 30 items. The scale has a high internal consistency, where Cronbach Alpha was 0.92. Using principal component analysis four factors were identified, and accounted 0.50 of variance, Cronbach Alpha for these factors was between 0.55-0.88. The results showed that the nature of students' attitudes toward organ donation was positive, and there was no effect of sex on students' attitudes toward organ donation.