Salameh Fleih Obeiah


Using the Foreign Language Reading Anxiety Scale (FLRAS), this study explores the core determinants of reading anxiety among Jordanian EFL teachers. It investigates the correlation between anxiety factors and strategy utilization (i.e., metacognitive, cognitive, and support strategies) as well as reading orientation, which determines a reader's active participation while reading. It looks at the sub-factors of reading anxiety: anxiety felt throughout the reading process, reading self-assurance, and anxiety when reading English characters. The findings of the study showed that Self-assurance was more influential and a constructive contributor to Jordanian English language teachers' utilization of metacognitive methods and the degree of orientation to reading than anxiety felt during reading.


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Orientation to reading
Strategy use

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How to Cite
Obeiah, Salameh Fleih. 2024. “The Effect of Foreign Language Reading Anxiety on Jordanian EFL Teachers’ Orientation and Strategy Use”. Journal of Educational Sciences – Qatar University 24 (1).
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