Abdulnaser Fakhrou Mahmoud Ali Moussa


The main objective of this research is to test the factor structure of digital self-identity scale and its relationship to self-esteem among Arab university students during COVID-19 pandemic. 243 available participants had been drawn from university students whose age ranged from 18 to 46 years (M=21, Std= 4.54 years). The study relied on the correlational approach. The study tested three models of the structure of the virtual self-identity scale (the autonomous model, the relational model, and the interactive model). The results showed that the relational model was superior to the interactive model in light of the matching indicators. The results of the study found a negative correlation between self-esteem and virtual self-identity. Accordingly, the identity of the virtual self is the result of the alternation of the individual's internal selves or the result of the interaction of types of selves.


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Virtual self-identity

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How to Cite
Fakhrou , Abdulnaser, and Mahmoud Ali Moussa. 2024. “Virtual Self-Identity and Its Relationship to Self-Esteem Among University Students During Corona Pandemic”. Journal of Educational Sciences – Qatar University 24 (1). https://doi.org/10.29117/jes.2024.0163.
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