Sharefah Ahmad Almuhana


The atrocities of the Zionist entity against civilians in Gaza, alongside the Zionists’ suppression of media, international organizations, and civil society organizations, motivated the author to write this research aiming at the establishment of a system, strengthening the role of civil society organizations and individuals in criminal technological documentation. This study adopts three approaches: descriptive, deductive, and comparative. This offers a comprehensive examination of the fundamental principles governing documentation done by civil society organizations and individuals through digital technologies. The established framework is built upon the guidelines outlined by the Public International Law and Policy Group concerning the principles guiding the documentation of human rights violations by civil society—further, the jurisprudence of international courts. This research emphasizes the harmonization of efforts aimed towards achieving accountability and, thus, criminal justice through regulating documentation of civil society organizations while also advocating for improved coordination and collaboration among civil society, governments, and the media. Furthermore, establishing regional framework facilitating the participation of individuals from Arab and Islamic nations in documentation. This research is relevant to studies establishing rules regulating technological criminal documentation practiced by individuals and civil society organizations and its evidentiary value. There is still room for contributing to the formulation of such rules, as there are no established rules applied by national and international courts. Particularly, science is developing, and challenges brought by technology are revealing. Therefore, there is a need for similar studies particularly that crimes of the Zionists in Gaza are exposed using technology by civil society organizations or individuals.


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Forensic science
Digital technology
Criminal Procedures

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How to Cite
Almuhana, S. A. (2024). The Role of Civilians in Digital Criminal Documentation of Human Rights Violations: A Look at the Situation in Gaza. International Review of Law, 13(2).
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