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As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  • The submission has not been previously published, nor it is under consideration for publication elsewhere (in print or electronically).
  • The submission is in line with the focus and scope of IRL journal.
  • I acknowledge that I implemented the required writing standards and followed the approved style guide (Blue Book or OSCALA).
  • I agree, duly filled, and signed the author declaration which I attached along this submission.
  • The research methods and ethical integrity standards have been followed and the facts, data, analysis and discussions were validated.
  • The submitted research paper file is in Microsoft Word, and does not exceed 10,000 words.
  • The submitted research paper file is complete and includes the article title, author/s names (in order), abstract and keywords, in both Arabic and English.
  • The submitted research paper file was approved by all authors and co-authors.
  • The Curriculum Vitae (CV) of the author/s is attached to this application.
  • Arabic references are transliterated (Romanized) according to the Library of Congress style (if applicable).
  • I agree to review the submitted research paper according to the comments provided by peer-reviewers at the peer-review stage.
  • I agree that I will not withdraw my submission during or after the initial review or peer-review stages, as I am aware that the journal has the right to request compensation for the incurred expenses, estimated case-by-case to cover the costs.


The Style Manual is meant to help authors, peer reviewers, editors, and members of the International Review of Law in following standard guidelines and style for all published articles, to facilitate and accelerate the review and publishing process. We kindly ask you to follow these guidelines:

  1. Author Definition

    An author should meet the following three conditions:

    • He/she must have contributed to the conception and design of the study or to the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data.
    • Drafted the manuscript or critically revised it.
    • Gave final approval to the manuscript version submitted for publication.
    • Research papers submitted by two or more researchers to the journal must obtain the consent of all participating authors in the research.
  2. Acknowledgments

    Publication literature requires that researcher expresses their gratitude to the publisher, and to everyone who contributed in a valuable way to the research, and it can be mentioned in the footnote.

  3. Funding Sources

    All sources of financial support for the research should be listed under this heading. Grant funding agency abbreviations should be spelled in full.

  4. Writing guidelines

    Objective editorial guidelines:
    1. The research must be original and not published previously, in part or in full, and should not be submitted for publication elsewhere.

    2. The research must be original and offer a valid scientific contribution in its respective field.

    3. The researcher shall comply with the intellectual property, integrity, scientific honesty, principles and ethics of scientific research.

    4. The journal accepts research papers in Arabic, English and French. Each issue of the journal states the following disclaimer: “The contents and opinions appearing in the article herein are the sole responsibility of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of QU Press.”

    5. The research must adhere to the linguistic guidelines of the specialization, and in terms of clarity of writing, language and expression, as well as value, novelty and diversity of scientific references.

    6. Legal research methods must be followed.

    7. Sources and references written in Arabic must also be mentioned in the bibliography, Romanized, included in the list of foreign references and arranged alphabetically. The Arabic reference data used in Romanization must be arranged in the same order as the source information.

    8. The word count should range between 6000-15000 words at the maximum, including footnotes, references and appendices (if any).

    9. The journal may accept an article that is extracted from a masters or doctoral thesis based on a strict selection criteria that includes the research quality and scientific contribution. This matter should be disclosed upon submission and in the “Author Declaration” form which requires that a reference to the student’s name, supervisor, program and university should be acknowledged in the first footnote of the article.

  • Manuscript Layout

    General Style

    Language: The IRL accepts articles in Arabic, English or French. English or American spellings are acceptable, but must be used consistently.

    One of the following style guides should be used: The Bluebook: https://www.legalbluebook.com or OSCOLA: https://www.law.ox.ac.uk/research-subject-groups/publications/oscola

    For Articles in French, the Turabian Style derived from the Chicago Style, should be followed: Turabian 7 guide: https://library.stritch.edu/getmedia/3cb84140-2b6b-4afe-b926-809a72d43ce8/Turabian7Guide

    English Typography:

    Fonts: The body of articles may use any classic sans-serif font such as Times New Roman, Century Schoolbook, or Didot.

    Italics: Italics should be used instead of underlining where called for.

    Size: Font sizes should be between 12 and 14 points, depending on the specific font.

    Line spacing: Submitted articles should be single spaced.

    Justification: Left-aligned; no hyphenation at line breaks.

    Page Numbers: All pages, in footer, at right.

    1. Title Page:

      Required in English and Arabic

      This page should have the following information in both English and Arabic

      • Full title of manuscripts

      • For each author:

        • Name

        • Title/Position

        • Affiliation

        • Email

        • Keywords for article

    2. Abstract:


      A statement around 250 words summarizing the article and conclusions. No citations.

      Received: ../../.. . . . Reviewed: ../../.. . . . Accepted: ../../..

      Article title……………… (Bold font size 14)

      Full name of the first author (bold 12 point) Title…….., Affiliation/University………., Country……... Email…………

      Full name of co-author Title…….., Affiliation/University………., Country……... Email…………


      Identical translation of Arabic abstract in about 200 words includes below points:

      Research purpose: Research objectives shall include answers to why you chose to write this research paper. What topic did you discuss? If your research is based on previous studies, what prompted you to do this research? (Explain briefly, “purpose of the research”) This is an opportunity to explain to the reader why you chose the topic and its importance, and inform them of the topic and discussion around which the research revolves, and the focus of your findings.

      Study Design/methodology/approach: Describe what you have done. Explain to the reader here exactly what you did to reach the findings you mentioned. What approach did you use in your research? (Some of the approaches followed in Islamic studies are: the inductive, analytical, deductive, historical, descriptive, and case study approach).

      What tools, methods, or statistics did you use and based your study upon? For example, did you make an interview form and then benefit from its outcomes? Have you done scientific tests? Did you read the above and base your search results on the same?

      Findings: Explain accurately what the study found, and how the study answered the questions you raised, or did the study endorse the idea or theory on which your study was based? (You should specify exactly what your study found, without generalization, exaggeration).

      Research originality/value: Here you explain to the reader your research’s scientific value with the new information and results it found. You can also talk about the extent to which your research contributes to future studies, and mention some recommendations.

    3. Keywords:


      Key words: ………..; …………………..; ………; …………..; ………… (5 to 8 key words – note: separator is semicolon and no full stop at the end)

      No less than five words should be selected depending on the topic (separated with a comma). Keywords allow researchers to search for the article.

    4. Tables:

      Tables should be numbered in sequence and contain a short title.

      Smaller tables, which will fit into the manuscript in portrait format, may be included in the main manuscript text. Larger tables, or those which are in landscape mode, should be submitted as supplementary files that are named and numbered identically to the in-text content.

      Please use table layout options in your word processing program to display tables. Using tabs to separate columns should be avoided. Please also avoid using color and shading.

      Tabular data may be uploaded as a supplementary file in either xls, xlsx or csv formats.

    5. Other Illustrations:

      Each illustration should be provided as a separate file.

      Preferred format for illustrations is pdf or png. Other formats can be used, but images may not translate fully.

      Please provide, for each figure, the figure number, short title.

      Note: The author must obtain permission from the copyright holder to reproduce figures in the journal published elsewhere. Failure to provide this permission can result in images not being included.

    6. References:

      For papers written in English, the author should set a bibliography of sources and references at the end of the manuscript, in the same style of citing footnotes, but arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s family name.

      For papers written in Arabic, the author should set a bibliography of sources and references at the end of the manuscript, in the same style of citing footnotes, but arranged in alphabetical order by the author’s family name, in the same style of citing footnotes, then s/he can translate (Romanize) them into English alphabetically.

The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.