Abdelkader Bekhouche Salih Karim Al-Zanki Zakariya Mohmed Abdel-Hady Zainab Rahmatullah


Objectives: This study reviews the targeted outcomes of the development of the Islamic Culture course at the College of Sharia and Islamic Studies at Qatar University and its impact on the students, assessing the extent to which the development process has influenced the quality of course outcomes.

Methodology: The research team adopted an analytical, deductive, and case study approach, using analysis and evaluation tools such as questionnaires and surveys with random samples of students, professors, parents, and peer teachers. The collected data was then assessed and analysed, including evaluations of student assignments, tests, and presentations.

Results: The research team examined the experience of Qatar University's College of Sharia and Islamic Studies in developing the Islamic Culture course and evaluated the level of the learning outcomes. The study also assessed its impact on students' lives and the college's mission toward the university, society, and the job market. Based on this, the study provides several recommendations and suggestions to aid in developing the Islamic Culture course.

Authenticity: The value of this study lies in being the first to evaluate the development of the Islamic Culture course at Qatar University. Additionally, it employed various tools, including surveys, analysis of assignments, assessments, tests, student projects, and files. The study's sample was not limited to students but included professors, peer teachers, parents, and graduates. This study can contribute to further research related to the Islamic Culture course or other courses by utilising its research methodology, written output, results, and recommendations for evaluation and improvement.


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Islamic Culture Course
College of Sharia
Qatar University

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How to Cite
Bekhouche, Abdelkader, Salih Karim Al-Zanki, Zakariya Mohmed Abdel-Hady, and Zainab Rahmatullah. 2024. “Evaluation of the Experience of Qatar University’s College of Sharia and Islamic Studies in Developing the Islamic Culture Course in the Years 2017-2021”. Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies 42 (1). https://doi.org/10.29117/jcsis.2024.0376.
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