The Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies (JCSIS) at Qatar University is a peer-reviewed, bilingual, open access journal. It provides a forum for quality research in multidisciplinary classical and contemporary Islamic studies in both Arabic and English from all over the world. Since 1980, JCSIS has established itself as a valuable resource both for scholars and students of Islamic Studies as well as for libraries. JCSIS encourages contributions from all branches of Islamic Studies with a view to deepening historical research on Islam, in both theory and practice, from historical and social-science perspectives since its emergence until modern times. JCSIS bridges East-West researchers and readers and presents up-to-date research.
To be a leading journal in the fields of Sharia sciences, Islamic studies that publishes cutting-edge and high-quality interdisciplinary research, and be indexed in the major global databases, including Scopus.
JCSIS serves as a platform for peer-reviewed scholarly research in the fields of Sharia sciences and Islamic studies. It promotes original research and rigorous methodologies, adheres to the global standards of publication and research ethics, and supports academic communication between researchers worldwide.
Textual, analytical, and historical studies of the Quran and its various sciences, and classical and contemporary approaches to the Quran.
Textual, analytical, and historical studies of the Hadith and its various sciences, critical studies of Hadith, and classical and contemporary approaches to the Hadith.
Issues of Islamic creed, religions, ethics, and contemporary Islamic intellectual thought.
Studies in Islamic Jurisprudence (fiqh) and legal theory (uṣūl), higher purposes of Sharia (maqāṣid), and comparative methods of research on law, economics and finance, with a focus on contemporary issues and innovative perspectives.
Studies in education methods and pedagogy in Islamic history, contemporary religious education approaches, and efforts of reform and development.
Studies in current global issues, such as artificial intelligence, the environment, medical ethics, family, the future of humanity, Muslim minorities, and international law and rights.
Publish research with interdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary insights on Islamic studies, both in terms of content and methodology.
Commit to publishing high-quality articles that meet international academic standards and make impactful contributions to the field.
Support innovative research methods that contribute to the development of Muslim understanding of contemporary global issues.
Encourage research that addresses global concerns and fosters dialogue between the Muslim World and the rest of the World and between the world’s religions and cultures.
Publish studies grounded in the foundational principles of research in Islamic sciences, while admitting contemporary research methodologies and current questions.
Uphold the highest standards of ethical conduct at all stages of publication.
Embrace intellectual and cultural diversity and respect academic freedom in research.
Support research that focuses on sustainable solutions to global challenges from an Islamic perspective.
The Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies (JCSIS) is currently indexed in and abstracted by the: Web of Science Emerging Sources Citation Index, Arabic Citation Index (ARCI), Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), Google Scholar, Crossref, EBSCO Discovery Service, Ulrichs, Arab Citation & Impact Factor (ARCIF by e-Marefa), Al-Mandumah and CORE.
The journal is available on Kudos. To view our journal on Kudos, please click here.
JCSIS is a member of: The Association of Learned and Professional Society Publishers in USA, & Association of University Presses in USA.
All submissions are screened by iThenticate: Plagiarism Detection Software.
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