Abdelmajid Najar


Purpose:  The study aims to address the phenomenon of extremism by addressing one of its most important causes, namely, ideological imbalance in relation to the meaning of methodology of thinking. Ideological pedagogy using the methodology of realism, comparison, criticism and discernment prevents the ideology from falling into extremist views that often arise from idealism overlooking reality and one-sightedness and excessive reliability on all the received ideas.

Methodology:  The study adopts the analytical and deductive method. This is based on the logical presuppositions that lead the introductions to their findings. Reinforcement then follows through a realistic tracking of many samples of facts and events from ancient and modern history testifying to the validity of the launched from presuppositions.

Findings:  The study concludes that pedagogy, rooted in its content in established and methodical Islamic sciences and in practical human sciences and conveyed through interactive and self-teaching didactic methods is capable of nurturing minds to exhibit a wide range of essential intellectual qualities, such as freedom of thought, comprehensive research skills, ability to maintain a realistic perspective, and critical comparative thinking. Minds that possess these intellectual qualities are capable of conducting their own religious research to reach conclusions that are within the Limits of Allah’s laws, without transgressing and adopting radicalism that may lead to terrorism.

Originality:  The Study addresses one of the realistic problems that haunts the Islamic society and even humanity. It is the problem of extremism, which often ends with terrorism. The study addresses one of that problem’s most important causes without merely addressing the phenomena, through the logical mental argument and the historical factual argument.


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Religious extremism
ideological pedagogy
freedom of thought
God’s laws


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How to Cite
Najar, Abdelmajid. 2019. “The Role of Ideological Pedagogy in Counteracting Religious Extremism”. Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies 37 (1). https://doi.org/10.29117/jcsis.2019.0228.
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