The Role of the School Administration in Overcoming the Distance Learning Problems Facing Teachers during the Corona Pandemic
The study aimed to identify the role of the school administration in overcoming the problems of distance learning (technological, behavioral, administrative, health, and methodological problems) facing teachers during the Corona pandemic, and to find statistically significant differences between the means of the sample according to the variables: (gender, educational districts, and major). It also searched the predictive ability of the (behavioral, administrative, health, and methodological) problems after overcoming technological problems. In order to achieve these goals, the study adopted the descriptive and analytical approach, so a questionnaire was designed and applied to (516) teachers. The study found that the role of the school administration in overcoming the problems of distance learning (technological, behavioral, administrative, health, and methodological problems) facing teachers during the Corona pandemic came in a moderate degree and in the following order: (a) Methodological problems; (B) Behavioral problems; (V) Administrative problems; (W) Health problems; And (c) Technological problems. Also, statistically significant differences were found in the gender variable in favor of females in technological, behavioral, and administrative problems, and there were no statistically significant differences in the subject variable and the educational districts. The study, in addition, reported the existence of a high degree interaction among the teachers in solving the (behavioral, administrative, health, and methodological) problems, an interaction through which they assisted the school administration in solving technological problems. Based on these results, the study recommended restructuring the educational curricula to coincide and suit the time allocated for presenting them in innovative digital methods and methods.
COVID-19Behavioral problemsTechnological problemsMethodological problemsAdministrative problems
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