Abdulaziz Hamed Mohammed AL-Omairi


The study aimed to investigate the factorial structure of the Teaching Loyalty Scale using Exploratory and Confirmatory Factor Analysis. To achieve the aim of the study, a scale was constructed to measure teaching loyalty and applied to two equal samples, each of which consisted of (381) male and female teachers. The initial version of the scale was applied to the first sample to conduct the Exploratory Factor Analysis, and the other version was for Confirmatory Factor Analysis. The results of both factor analyses showed that the Teaching Loyalty Scale consists of three factors: Affective Loyalty, Normative Loyalty and Continuance Loyalty. The reliability indices of the scale were tested using Cronbach’s Alpha coefficient for all its dimensions and it met the reliability which ranged between (0.84-0.88) per dimension and (0.89) for the whole scale. All of these indicators showed that Teaching Loyalty Scale has good psychometric properties and that it can be used as a measurement tool in scientific research. In light of the results, the study provided a number of recommendations, the most prominent of which is to verify the factorial structure of Teaching Loyalty Scale, using Confirmatory Factor Analysis on different samples in other countries.


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Factorial structure
Factor analysis
Organizational loyalty
Teaching profession

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How to Cite
AL-Omairi, Abdulaziz Hamed Mohammed. 2022. “The Factorial Structure of Organizational Loyalty to Teaching Profession Scale Abdulaziz Hamed Mohammed AL-Omairi”. Journal of Educational Sciences – Qatar University 18 (18). https://doi.org/10.29117/jes.2021.0063.
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