Modeling the Motives for Participation in Physical Activity among Omani Students Aged Between 11–13 Years Old: Qualitative Study
This study aimed to recognize the motives of Omani students within the age group between 11–13 years old for participating in physical activities. The study sample consisted of 352 male students and 370 female students enrolled in the sixth and seventh grades of primary school in Muscat Governorate, with a total sample of 722 students. The researchers applied the qualitative approach through an open questionnaire to find out the motives for participating in physical activities. The researchers employed Grounded Theory in the analysis, understanding and classification of the data collected; in order to reach a real profile of the motives for participation in physical activities among the study sample. The researchers had the data collected undergo coding and comparison, ending up reaching a justifying classification of the sample students' motives for participating in physical activities. The results showed that there is an integrated set of motives for participating in physical activities, which were classified as health, physical, psychological, social and cognitive motives. The most prominent of these motives, according to the classification sequence, are: Entertainment and leisure time use 65.8%, maintaining health and strengthening the body 62.7%, strengthening the muscles 54.8%, sense of belonging and the pleasure of cooperating with the team 29%, learning sports as a hobby and a talent to reach professionalism 25.8%. The researchers recommended at the end of the study the necessity of having the results of this study put to use in building and developing physical education curricula in schools and conducting more qualitative studies in this area.
MotivesPhysical activitiesOmani students
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