Welcome to The QU Press Journals Portal. This is publication home of Qatar University Academic Refereed Journals. You can browse, registration and submit papers by navigating to the appropriate Journal page.
The Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies (JCSIS) at Qatar University is a peer-reviewed, bilingual, open access journal. It provides a forum for quality research in multidisciplinary classical and contemporary Islamic studies in both Arabic and ...
Studies in Business and Economics is a referred and indexed semiannual periodical published by the College of Business and Economics at Qatar University. The Journal is listed in Cabell’s Directory of Publishing Opportunities.
The Journal is devoted to the advancement a ...
The International Review of Law (IRL) is a biannual, peer reviewed law journal that strives to embrace a contemporary legal discourse and cuts across borders and cultures. The journal welcomes in-depth legal research in the field of national and comparative law in a way that e ...
The Journal of Educational Sciences (JES) is a biannual peer-reviewed journal that publishes original theoretical and applicable research studies in education and its related fields, in both Arabic and English. The journal is a collaborative publication between the College of ...
Tajseer is a peer-reviewed biannual journal that publishes cross-disciplinary scientific research that addresses problems and phenomena in an interdisciplinary manner, and bridges cognitively between the various branches of humanities and social sciences with a specia ...
Ansaq is an international peer-reviewed scientific journal, issued biannually by the College of Arts and Sciences at Qatar University and published by Qatar University Press. Ansaq is dedicated to studies related to literatur ...
The International Conference on Civil Infrastructure and Construction, organized by Qatar University, the Public Works Authority (Ashghal), the Ministry of Municipality, and the Ministry of Environment and Climate Change, took place from 5-8 February 2023 and 2-5 February, 202 ...
The Academic Network for Development Dialogue (ANDD) Paper Series is an initiative that aims to encourage structured dialogue over structural challenges and opportunities that the Arab region is encountered with, beyond those identifiable through sectoral and technical aspects ...