Alyamamah Khudair Al-Harbi


The study examines the ambiguous position of International Servants under the Social Security system of the State of Kuwait, is the social security system applicable to international servants? Is it affected by the diplomatic immunities and privileges?

The study follows an interdisciplinary analytical, inductive, and comparative method combined at two levels namely administrative international law, looking into certain instruments, and two domestic social security systems from Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. The study argues that provisions of both administrative international law and domestic law do not impede the right of international servants to social security, since the right does not overlap with diplomatic financial immunities. At the contrary, it proved to be prioritized and essential from both sides. Any exemption from that provision should be provided precisely and clearly, however uncertainty arises from the current practice solutions must come through administrative procedure by the executives rather than the legislator.


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Social Security
International Servants
Optional Security
Mandatory Security

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How to Cite
Al-Harbi, A. K. . (2024). Social Security of International Servants - in the International Administrative Law and the Domestic Systems of Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. International Review of Law, 13(1).
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