Fahad Al-Zumai


The research aims at understanding the legal framework of the “Shadow Director”, which is one of the important legal issues under English law and several comparative laws. Despite its importance, this issue is yet to be regulated in Arab legislation and is not widely studied in Arabic literature. Hence, it was critical to introduce the concept of a shadow director under English law and the legislative development of this concept, and the application of this concept by reviewing the criteria for determining who constitutes a shadow director in case laws under English law, with a review of the legal consequences in accordance with the English Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986 and English Companies Act 2006.

The research aims to highlight the shortcomings of Arab legislation in addressing the problem of regulating the responsibilities of a shadow director, despite its importance in addressing the legal status of persons who exercise indirect control over the company.

The research followed the descriptive analytical approach, with a focus on English law, by addressing the legal framework regulating this issue under English law, with reference to other relevant comparative laws.

The research reached several outcomes, most notably the need for legislators in Arab countries to adopt this legislative philosophy as a mechanism to establish the legal responsibility of persons who influence or control the appointed members of the Board of Directors, in order to limit their evasion of their legal responsibilities or their transfer of this liability to the official members of the Board of Directors.


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Shadow Directors
Shadow Board Member
English corporate law
English Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986English Company Directors Disqualification Act 1986
Companies’ board members liability

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How to Cite
Al-Zumai, F. . (2024). The Legal Framework of the Shadow Director under English Law-An Analytical Study. International Review of Law, 13(1). https://doi.org/10.29117/irl.2024.0286
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