Bashayer Salah Abdallah Alghanim


The study evaluates the role of the consumer’s place of residence, as a factor that restricts the party autonomy, in electronic contracts with a foreign element. To do so, the study determines the concept of such contracts and jurisprudence trends to exclude or restrict implement the party autonomy. Addressing a topic that has not been previously brought up by most of the Arab legislations, including Kuwait, makes this study stand out. This was among factors that drove towards trying to reach comparative laws that kept pace with the modern development and exerted real efforts to enact consumers’ protection choice of law rule in the traditional and electronic transactions that have foreigner element. The study adopted the comparative-based descriptive analytical approach and came up with some results, the most important of which was that party autonomy plays a role in the consumer's contract and restricting its implementation by not depriving consumers of the jus cogens provisions of the State of residence, irrespective of their nationality and place of contract. In addition, affirming the principle of legal security, the study brought up some recommendations including the amendment of both the text of Article 22 of Bahraini Law and the provision of article 6 of Rome Regulation by excluding the implied choice; this is because evidence of implied choice are hard to reach in electronic contracts where the consumer is a party, the thing that makes the judge's work more demanding.


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Consumer contract
Electronic contract
Jus cogens
Absence of choice

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How to Cite
Alghanim, B. S. A. . (2024). Evaluating the Consumer’s Residence as a Connecting Factor in Consumers’ Contracts with Foreign Element. International Review of Law, 13(1).
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