Nader Mohamed Ibrahim


This research interprets legislative provisions related to the employee’s contractual obligation not to compete after termination of his/her employment, usually under a clause called “non-competition clause”, particularly in light of Article (43) of the Qatari Labor Law, promulgated by Law No. 14 of 2004, and amended by Decree-Law No. (18) of 2020.

This research mainly follows analytical methodology, reinforced by comparative methodology. Therefore, the research extends the boundaries of the Qatari legislation and doctrine, to that of comparative law, especially French law.

The research concluded with several results, most notably the concurrence of Qatari law with the predominant trend in comparative law towards the recognition of the lawfulness of the non-competition clause in the employment contract, provided that it is subject to legitimate restrictions, which preserve many of the worker's constitutional rights, the most important of which is his right to change employer and entrepreneurship.


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Non-competition Clause
Legitimacy of Non-competition
Employee’s Commitment to Loyalty
Protection of Goodwill
Protection of Trade Secrets

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How to Cite
Ibrahim, N. M. . (2023). The Employee’s Post-Employment Non-compete Covenant: Analytical and Comparative Study from the Perspective of Qatari Law. International Review of Law, 12(1).
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