Nasr Aboul Fotouh Farid Hassan


This research aims to address the types of legal aid, whether provided by government agencies, or civil society institutions, with a focus on highlighting the experience of the United Arab Emirates in providing various legal aids. The research problem is that the UAE legislator has not enacted legislation to regulate legal aid. Hence, we wonder about the adequacy of the forms of assistance provided by the state and community institutions to enforce the assistance system, and whether the UAE legislator needs to enact a law regulating it, as some other countries have done.

To achieve this goal, the study adopted the descriptive approach, by extrapolating the ideas contained in legal jurisprudence about legal aid, and linking the forms of legal aid and the legal system of the United Arab Emirates to find out the Emirati experience in the application of legal aid.

Among the main findings of the study, legal aid is one of the forms of providing legal assistance that enables people to access justice. Legal aid is divided into: aid of a preventive nature, and aid of a curative nature. Therefore, we recommended the issuance of an integrated law for the legal aid system, which explicitly takes into account the provision of legal aid, both preventive and curative. We also recommended the establishment of a fund to finance this type of aid, and that permanent resources be identified to finance it, to ensure continued support for the provision of legal aid.


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Legal aid
Legal Empowerment
Legal advice
Legal awareness
Exemption from fees

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How to Cite
Hassan, N. A. F. F. . (2023). Forms of Legal Aid: The Emirati Experience as a Model. International Review of Law, 11(3).
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