Abdulla Hamad Al-Khaldi


Legal aid system in Qatar is connected to the criminal law field, whereas the court appoints a lawyer for poor defendants to secure the right to defend themselves. However, the legal aid system provides protection to the civil cases too. Hence, this research tries to evaluate the system within the framework of the civil law field, and explore means to enhance it and improve its effectiveness to safeguard the principles of equality before the courts of law. This study used the inductive, deductive, and comparative methods.

The most important findings of this study are: the judicial aid system does not provide adequate assistance to vulnerable groups within the framework of civil law, and it requires suitable mechanisms to enhance its effectiveness in relation to the practice of the law practice profession and in legal clinics. Moreover, this research highlights the importance of developing awareness programs of the legal aid system, obliging lawyers to perform at least 30 hours yearly in pro bono work as a requirement for renewing the license to practice the law profession. This can be achieved through amending the law of practicing the law profession whilst providing proper exclusions for law students in their third year of study who are enrolled onto legal clinic programs. The study also suggests amending Article (4) of Code of Law Practice to add an exception for students of the College of Law, who are enrolled in Law Clinics programs after passing the third year.


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Judicial aid

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How to Cite
Al-Khaldi, A. H. . (2023). The Legal Aid System within the Scope of Civil Law. International Review of Law, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.29117/irl.2022.0241
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