Manswab Mahsen Abdulrahman


Objectives: The study aims to determine whether all uses of Marijuana are considered haram (prohibited) or if there are any exceptions.

Methodology: It employed a qualitative methodology and rigorously examined relevant materials from a jurisprudential perspective, including textual and contextual aspects. Data for this study were sourced from various materials, including books, journal articles, reports, conference papers, and websites.

Findings: The research highlights the differences between hemp and Cannabis sativa, both types of marijuana plants, distinguished by their varying levels of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). Hemp contains less than 0.3% THC, while Marijuana can have THC levels up to 28%. Marijuana is primarily used for recreational purposes, whereas hemp has numerous industrial applications such as textiles, rope, paint, clothing, shoes, paper, bioplastics, insulation, lotions, and more. Ultimately, the ruling on marijuana use varies between forbidden (haram) and permissible (halal), depending on the intent behind its use. This is consistent with the Islamic legal principle that the determining factors influence the law.

Originality: The study's findings will assist policymakers in effectively managing hemp, creating job opportunities, and significantly increasing tax revenue while implementing measures to prevent and control its use. The scientific value of this research lies in analyzing marijuana consumption from the perspective of the Sharia, which aligns with the higher objectives of Islamic law: preserving the mind and wealth.


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How to Cite
Abdulrahman, Manswab Mahsen. 2024. “Uses and Implications of Marijuana from the Perspective of Islamic Law”. Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies 42 (2).
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