Abduljabbar Hamad Obaid Al-Sabhany


Objectives: This study aims to identify and analyse the forms of infringement on the sovereign right of public authority in the issuance and management of currency, particularly in the context of the fractional reserve banking system and the technological advancements facilitated by globalisation, which have enabled the creation and promotion of virtual currencies.

Methodology: The study adopts a composite method that combines historical induction and logical reasoning to explore the forms of infringement on the general jurisdiction of the authority associated with both traditional and emerging forms of currency.

Findings: The study concludes that safeguarding public authority's exclusive and disinterested right in currency issuance and management is a priority in Islamic legal policy. Such necessitates caution against forms of infringement that violate this right due to their impact on the fairness and efficiency of the monetary system.

Originality: This research's originality lies in its characterisation of the generation of credit money and the issuance or mining of virtual currencies as contemporary forms of infringement on the authority's general jurisdiction, akin to the counterfeiting of paper money.


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Currency Fraud
Money Creation
Electronic Money
Virtual Currencies

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How to Cite
Al-Sabhany, Abduljabbar Hamad Obaid. 2024. “Manifestations of Infringement on the Public Authority’s General Jurisdiction in Currency Issuance and Management from an Islamic Perspective”. Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies 42 (2). https://doi.org/10.29117/jcsis.2024.0384.
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