Tarek Elkot


The German Orientalist School has contributed extensively to the field of Quranic Sciences, and is recognized for its leading role in the development and advancement of the Western study of the Quran. In the year 2007, the German researcher Angelika Neuwirth launched the Corpus Coranicum project under the auspices of the Institute for Advanced Study, at Freie University, Berlin, Germany. Angelika Neuwirth is among the most accomplished European scholars of the Quran, and has produced numerous works of research in the field of Qur’anic Studies. Her research revolves around her thoughts and views on the Qur’an and Qur’anic studies in Europe, namely her idea that the Qur’an is part of the later antiquity of Europe. This paper also discusses the difference between the Islamic view and non-Islamic view of the Qur’an. Additionally, it investigates the critical historical method and its application on the Qur’an in 19th Century Europe. Furthermore, it describes the method of Angelika Neuwirth in Quranic Studies, and introduces the Corpus Coranicum project, which she oversees. This paper reached the following conclusions: The critical historical research of the 19th century attempted to prove the impact of the Judeo-Christian and Arab traditions on the Qur’an, and ultimately its human origins. Neuwirth analyzed the situation of the Qur’anic studies in Europe, and criticized the two widespread approaches to studying the Qur’anic text: the approach that studies the Quran at the time of its revelation, and the approach that doubts the Islamic narrative of the development of the Qur’an.
Neuwirth contends that the first approach, which considered the Quran a text written by the Prophet Muhammad and therefore a book influenced during his time by Jewish and Christian traditions, overlooked an important aspect within the Quranic text - the relationship between the Prophet and the first Islamic community. Therefore, she views the Quranic text as an extension and part of the Jewish and Christian heritage of Europe. Neuwirth’s study of the Quran differs from that of other scholars, in that most European scholars are of the view that Muhammad is the sole author of the Quran, meanwhile Neuwirth examines the Qur'an as an extension and part of the Jewish and Christian tradition of Europe. However, Neuwirth does not differ from other European researchers in emphasizing the human nature of the Quranic text.


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Quranic Studies in Germany
German Orientalism
Angelika Neuwirth
Corpus Coranicum Project
The Historical Critical Methodology

How to Cite
Elkot, Tarek. 2018. “Is the Qur’an Part of the Late Antiquity of Europe? A Reading in German Orientalism”. Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies 35 (2). https://doi.org/10.29117/jcsis.2018.0187.
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