The Secondary Meanings in the Noble Quran and its Effects on Egesesis
Meaning in Arabic utterances has two types: the first is direct
illustrated by the stated words, and the second is reached only
after careful study, contemplation and thinking. The first type
has been termed "first meaning"; and the second, "implied
The second type of meaning has wider semantic possibilities,
is superior rhetorically, and isof greater significance, all of
which make it approximated or brought to its real self only in
"Fasih" (classical) Arabic, the text of the Holy Quran which
has perfected this type of meaning, which stands behind its
real "Iejaz", i.e. being a unique text.
The present research work investigates the implied meaning
in the Quranic style, describing its occurrence and showing
its definition, its subcategories, and its relevance to the
explication of the Holy text. The paper concludes with some
results and recommendations for future research.