Thabit Ahmed Abu Al-Haj Mohamed Ahmed Attaya Mustafa bin Abdullah


The researchers outlines two definition of betrayal both in language and
idiomatically and mention its places and its derivatives in the Holy Qur’an. Then,
the researcher will extrapolate the types of betrayal through the meaning of the
verses such as: the betrayal of religion (to be unbeliever), betrayal of nation
(Ummah), betrayal of soul and bodies, betrayal of covenant and betrayal of trust of
people. After that, the researchers will follow the derivatives of the norm “betrayal”
in the Holy Qur’an such as: cunning, deception, espionage, hypocrisy and plan,
Finally, the researcher views the samples of betrayal as they were mentioned in the
Holy Qur’an with reference to interpreters in order to take the lessons such as: the
betrayal of people of Scripture, This research aims to define the norm “betrayal” in
its wide-concept as it mentioned in the Holy Qur’an, and to indicate the types of
betrayal and also to explain the acts of betrayers and their characters and finally to
take the lessons of their end and fate.


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hypocrisy and plan.

How to Cite
Abu Al-Haj, Thabit Ahmed, Mohamed Ahmed Attaya, and Mustafa bin Abdullah. 2015. “Betrayal in the Quranic Context - It’s Meaning and Counterparts. A Thematic and Maqasidi Study”. Journal of College of Sharia and Islamic Studies 33 (2).
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