The Ruling of Transferring the Organs of the To Be Executed
This research deals with an important issue, namely: (provisions of transferring organs of the executed), it has been divided to: introduction, preface, and three sections: The researcher discuss in the preface: the concept of transfer of human organs, showed the meaning of transportation, the organ, and the meaning of organ tr<!nsplants. And discuss in the first topic: the concept of the executed, its types, showed the meaning of shed, and the executed, and its types. And search in the second section: Transfer of organs of a living person to another, showed the rule of transferring individual organ, and organs of non-individual. And discussed in the third section: Transfer of organs of the executed to another human being, showed the rule of eating the executed when necessary, and the rule of the transfer of organs of the executed, and the rule of reconciliation of the executed on the transfer of its organs in exchange for not killing him, stating the opinions of jurists and their evidence, and discuss the evidence and weighting between opinions. The researcher concluded that it is permissible to transfer organs of the executed and put it in a human body protected blood near death, under certain conditions to be met, and it is permissible to reconcile the infidel military and spy to waive any of its organs in exchange for not killing him, and also the guardians of the slain to reconcile the killer to waive of one of his organ in exchange for dropping their right to claim to kill him.