Self-Expansion Drive and its Relationship to the Flow in the Work Environment among Primary School Teachers
The study aimed to identify the level of the self-expansion drive, the flow in the work environment, the verification of the correlation between them, and the detection of differences in the self-expansion drive, and the flow in the work environment according to the gender variable. The study sample consisted of (147) teachers. To achieve the objectives of the study, the researcher used two tools for the study: the self-expansion drive scale prepared by the researcher, and the work environment flow meter prepared by Wolfigiel & Czerw, (2017). The study results showed the high level of self-expansion drive, and the flow in the work environment, and the existence of a positive correlation between the self-expansion drive and the flow in the work environment; on the other hand, the results showed no statistically significant differences in the self-expansion drive, and the flow in the work environment, depending on the gender variable.
DriveSelf-ExpansionFlow in the work environmentPositive EmotionsEngaging the Task
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