Anas Lamchichi


The purpose of this research is to examine the disciplinary safeguards of the Qatari staff members in accordance with the legal and statutory provisions in which the work is being carried out, the extension of these guarantees to the level of disciplinary time, the preceding, simultaneous and subsequent disciplinary measures, and the extent to which such legislative safeguards are conducive to job security and to protect the staff members from any abuse of authority. This research adopts a descriptive approach based on analysis, extrapolation and elaboration, by analyzing the various legal requirements on the subject and developing disciplinary safeguards provided for in Qatar’s Civil Human Resources Law and Executive Regulation, compared with some of the special legal systems of certain administrative institutions and their applications based on Qatari jurisprudence. The research used the comparative approach as an inference with certain Arab legislation, mainly French administrative jurisprudence. The research reached several conclusions, most notably the proposal to amend certain legal and statutory requirements that frame Qatar’s public office, to strengthen disciplinary safeguards, and to change the administrative judge’s approach to oversight of administrative disputes before him, relating to disciplinary administrative decisions in the public service from control of legality to control of propriety.


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Disciplinary guarantees
Administrative error
Administrative penalty
Disciplinary administrative decision
Administrative disputes

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How to Cite
Lamchichi, A. (2024). Qatar Public Employee’s Disciplinary Guarantees: Between Legislation and Jurisprudence. International Review of Law, 13(2).
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