Hatim Anouar


The Kingdom of Morocco, like many countries around the world, has seen an increased use of videoconferencing technology by the courts during the period of confinement. By facilitating the appearance of defendants at a distance during hearings, the latest technology appears, at first sight, to ensure the continuity of the judicial system, and respect the fundamental guarantees of a fair trial, in particular within reasonable time limit. This research aims to address the various legal and judicial concerns raised by the use of videoconferencing in criminal hearings, and therefore allows for the creation of a solid and clear basis for any decision to abandon traditional hearings and move directly to remote hearings in the future. Considering the particular nature of the subject, combining the legal, technological, social and psychological spheres, the authors relied, in this study, on an analytical approach based fundamentally on the analysis of the results of studies on the impact of videoconferencing that have been carried out in many scientific areas, and thus on the observation of the use of this technology in Moroccan courts, with the aim of apprehending globally these effects on the trial. The research has led to several results, the most important of which consists in the inability of the videoconference technique to transmit a neutral and transparent image of the accused appearing at a distance, which affects his right to an effective and concrete defence. In addition, the latest technology contributes to weaken the basic principles of the trial, especially the contradictory and orality, which negatively affects justice and fairness of the criminal trial.


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Right to a Fair Trial
Rights of Defense
Remote hearing

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How to Cite
Anouar, H. . (2023). Defence via Videoconference Technology in Morocco: A Procedural Violation or the Future of the Criminal Trial?. International Review of Law, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.29117/irl.2023.0275
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