Zaid Mohammed Almuqbel


The recent experience of countries in establishing their own national security councils has led to the emergence of such councils in the world that are different from each other in terms of legislative provisions regulating the composition of their members, the mechanisms for managing their internal affairs, their competencies and the nature of their decisions. This weakens the ability of researchers to establish an organized scientific field around them, to help legislators, build adequate and appropriate legislative systems to organize these councils. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the comparisons in the provisions of the legislative organization of the National Security Council between Jordan and Egypt, and the realization of the balance between them, using the comparative law approach. The findings of this study confirmed the great variation in the provisions of that legislative organization between countries, perhaps its most prominent aspects are: firstly, the Jordanian National Security Council can be described according to the composition of its members as a civilian and military institution, while the Egyptian Council can be described as a civilian institution. Secondly, one person in Jordan is responsible for managing the council's administrative affairs, while a general secretariat in Egypt is responsible for it. The third aspect implies that the functions of the Council in Egypt are clearer than those of the Jordanian Council. In conclusion, the study formulated a number of recommendations that crystallize on the necessity of the comparative legislature to mutually benefit from each other in order to develop their organization for the National Security Council, and the need for researchers to conduct future studies on related topics.


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National Security
Functions and Decisions of the National Security Council

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How to Cite
Almuqbel, Z. M. . (2023). Legislative Organization of the National Security Council: A Comparative Study between Jordan and Egypt. International Review of Law, 12(2).
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