Eiman Khaled Alqattan


The principle aim of the study is to identify the major provisions of the legal protection from violence against women added by Kuwaiti Law No. 16 of 2020 on Protection from Domestic Violence, as well as to critically analyse the major issues related to these provisions. The study followed the descriptive, analytical and critical approach, in explaining, analysing and criticizing the provisions of the Law on the Protection from Domestic Violence in the Kuwaiti Penal Code, which are related to the provisions of protection from violence against women. The findings of the study suggest that two types of legal protection from domestic violence against women are offered by the aforementioned laws. The first is a form of substantive legal protection. The other type of legal protection is considered as procedural legal protection. The study also reveals some legislative problems related to the aforementioned legal protections from domestic violence. The originality of the research and its scientific value are obvious in the fact that the Kuwaiti legislator did not explicitly recognize the forms of domestic violence against women as a crime that requires special texts to regulate the provisions of penal protection for women, except in Law No. 16 of 2020. The latter is a relatively recent law, so this research contributes to achieving a broader understanding of the most prominent forms of criminal protection from domestic violence against women, and sheds light on the most prominent legislative problems related to these protections.


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Domestic violence
Emotional abuse
Sexual violence
Legal protection
Whistleblower protection

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How to Cite
Alqattan, E. K. . (2023). Legal Protection of Women from Violence: A Critical Analytical Study of Kuwaiti Law No. 16 of 2020 . International Review of Law, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.29117/irl.2023.0271
Articles in Arabic