Fares Manahi Al-Mutairi


This study dealt with the issue of the jurisdiction principles of juvenile courts in the United States of America and the State of Kuwait. This study came to show the similarities and differences in both legal systems. In order to achieve its objectives, this study adopted the comparative analytical method, by analyzing the judicial precedents of the US Federal Supreme Court and the Kuwaiti legislative texts. The study concluded that there are legal provisions in the US legal system that the Kuwaiti legislator is not aware of, and that nothing prevents the adoption of these provisions in the Kuwaiti legal system, including the adoption of simultaneous jurisdiction for juvenile crimes between juvenile and adult courts. The provisions that may be adopted also include, in some cases, allowing judicial and legislative assignment of jurisdiction by the juvenile court to adult courts. Since the foundations of jurisdiction are new and unknown for Arab juvenile systems, this makes the study characterized by modernity and benefit to Arab jurisprudence and legislation. In addition, this study is distinguished by its novelty, since the legislative tool under evaluation is the Kuwaiti Juvenile Law issued in 2015.


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Juvenile Court
Waiver of Jurisdiction
Federal Supreme Court
Concurrent Jurisdiction
The Kuwaiti Supreme Court

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How to Cite
Al-Mutairi, F. M. . (2023). Principles of Jurisdiction of Juvenile Courts: A comparative Study in the American and Kuwaiti Approaches. International Review of Law, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.29117/irl.2023.0270
Articles in Arabic