Mouhannad Moukthar Nouh


This research aims to prove the inner particularism of the National Olympic Committee. However, there are problems in this regard concerning both the Olympic committees in France and Qatar, which is the extent to what they can be adapted as private legal persons entrusted with the task of a public service. It also aims to prove the role of the membership of specific legal persons in the legal existence of the National Olympic Committee in both Qatar and France. The descriptive, analytical, and comparative method was used in the research. The study concluded that both the Qatari and French Olympic Committees are private persons entrusted with the task of a public service, and that the independence of both committees did not preclude the presence of control by the state over their activities outside the scope of the Olympic tasks assigned to them. Additionally, it was found that in France the relations between the state and the committee are organized on a contractual basis, unlike what is prevalent in Qatar, and that the scope of membership in the French Olympic Committee is more extensive than that of its Qatari counterpart. This is obvious especially in terms of membership in organizations that do not organize sporting activity, but whose activity is closely related to sport. Finally, this research makes recommendations in relation to the adaptation of both committees as private law persons entrusted with the task of a public service, the regulation of the relationship between the Olympic Committee and the state on an agreement basis in Qatar, as well as the adoption of the membership of organizations that exercise influential activity in the sports field.


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Sports law
National Olympic Committee
Public legal person
Sports federation
Public service

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How to Cite
Nouh, M. M. . (2023). The Inner Particularism of the National Olympic Committee: A Comparative Study. International Review of Law, 12(2).
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