Abdullah Ahmed Alkayat


The purpose of this research is to examine existing loopholes in Qatar’s insider trading laws as impediments to a functional stock market. Weak insider trading rules diminish investor trust in local markets, which may encourage investors on the Qatar Stock Exchange to seek other markets, inhibiting Qatar’s intent to serve as a regional financial hub. This research revolves around proposing new rules to the current insider trading regulations. This critical analytical study gives a breakdown of the Qatari law on insider trading, studying its deterrence, investigation, and punitive components. Comparing these components with US regulations on insider trading, which are globally recognized as effective, this work identifies a key issue in each component of the Qatari law. Based on the US model, this study found that Qatari regulations need: a disclosure system to prevent immediate trading after information publication, a corporate whistleblower system to curb illicit transactions, and a treble damages provision to prevent violators from profiting or avoiding losses. This research offers substantial value to academics, corporations, governments, and investors looking to strengthen corporations and market development in Qatar or similar economies, emphasizing the importance of effective laws on disclosure, whistleblowers, and damages.


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Insider trading
Market efficiency
Treble damages
Public disclosure

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How to Cite
Alkayat, A. A. . (2023). The Insider Trading Prohibition in Qatar: A Critical Comparative Study with US Law. International Review of Law, 12(2). https://doi.org/10.29117/irl.2023.0276
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