Fahad Neamah Alshammari Abdulwahab Abdullatif Sadeq


This study aims to examine the key issues of the restructuring mechanism under the newly enacted Kuwaiti Bankruptcy Law No. 71 of 2020, and to develop its rules. Although the Kuwaiti legislature embraced a newly developed philosophy when it promulgated this law by utilizing a set of legal and economic theories that focus on reorganizing the bankrupt, the restructuring mechanism is constrained by several lengthy procedures and notable restrictions. The latter will definitely affect the financially troubled debtor in terms of ensuring a fair restructuring opportunity, through a mechanism that seeks to ensure that creditors and debtors rights are fairly balanced.

In order to attain its objective, the study adopts the comparative, analytical method by comparing related rules in the United Stated, Egypt, UAE, and Saudi Arabia. The study points out that the restructuring mechanism under this law is constrained by several lengthy procedures and notable restrictions on the debtor, creditors, and the bankruptcy court, which will prevent it from achieving its desired goal, which is providing a real opportunity to reorganize the financially troubled debtor.

The study concluded with a set of results and recommendations to Kuwaiti legislator to introduce several amendments to law No. 71 of 2020.


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Bankruptcy Law
Financially Distressed Businesses
Creditors’ Rights
Bankruptcy Court

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How to Cite
Alshammari, F. N. ., & Sadeq, A. A. (2023). Financial Restructuring of Distressed Businesses under the New Kuwaiti Bankruptcy Law No. 71 of 2020- A Comparative and Critical Study. International Review of Law, 12(1). https://doi.org/10.29117/irl.2023.0257
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