Yousef Alyaqout


This study aims to demonstrate the special legal provisions of the garnishee in an attachment for debtor dues from the third parties. The garnishee is considered a third party, but singled-out with special provisions that need to be studied as they raise numerous legal and practical issues that have not been dealt with thoroughly. Accordingly, light has been shed on identifying the garnishee legal obligations, the liabilities’ bases, the guidelines for implementing penalties and the rules for waiving the same.

The study follows the comparative analytical approach. It analyzes the legal and conceptual frame in the garnishee’s provisions regulating an attachment for debtor dues from the third parties under the Kuwaiti, and Qatari laws in comparison with the French one. This was to propose effective solutions to develop an integrated legal system that strengthens the garnishee’s legal status, and activates the sought role towards the fastest and smoothest recovery of rights, in line with the requirements of international trade, prompt justice, enhancing the confidence of investors, and all dealers.

In conclusion, the study placed a set of proposals and recommendations for Kuwaiti and Qatari legislators; including most importantly the need to adopt the modern concept of attachment for garnishee as regulated by the French law in the allocation attachment, with the importance of accurately defining the concept of the "third parties" of the garnishee; in addition to regulating its status actualization to ensure proper implementation of its concerned provisions, taking into consideration the importance of establishing the general procedural principle against obstructing the execution. Moreover, acknowledging the modern orientation of the garnishee liability, while adopting the principle of prompt cooperation and positive participation to ensure the smooth implementation of those actions and the achievement of their goals.


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Executive proceedings
Attachment for a debtor to a third party
Garnishee liabilities
Special penalties

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How to Cite
Alyaqout, Y. . (2023). The Legal Provisions of the Garnishee in an Attachment for a Debtor to a Third Party: A Comparative Analytical Study between French, Kuwaiti and Qatari Law. International Review of Law, 12(1).
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