Mapping the Role of Law Clinics under the Legal Aid Act of Nigeria
Legal aid and the provision of legal assistance to poor and indigent citizens forms a core to the promotion, protection and enforcement of fundamental human rights especially for a vast majority of Nigerians who live below the poverty line and cannot afford the services of legal practitioners which constitutes a major impediment to access to justice. When individuals have access to legal aid, they are able to enforce and seek the protection of their basic rights in line with the principles of equality and the rule of law. In furtherance of these objectives, the Legal Aid Act of Nigeria 2011 was passed, which provided a mechanism for a scheme to provide legal assistance to those entitled to such services. The law sets out the operational framework for legal aid, the scope of legal aid, those entitled to legal assistance and specially recognizes the role of non-state actors such as NGO’s, Law Clinics and Paralegals in providing legal aid.
This paper identifies and maps the role of law clinics as provided under the law in the areas of criminal defense, advice and assistance in civil matters and community legal services. The work will also highlight some of the challenges that hinder the effective provision of legal assistance under the scheme, which include insufficient personnel and funding for the scheme.
Legal AidMappingLaw ClinicsAccess to Justice
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NULAI-Nigeria – Who We Are
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