Ibrahim Abdelaziz Daoud


Although the legal aid concept reflects meanings conveying a protective nature, its realistic practice through civil law texts implicates several restrictions that negatively affect the rights of vulnerable categories. This necessitates reconsideration in the light of actual developments. The problem of the research lies in the inadequacy of the legal regulation of legal aid for persons with disabilities in the civil law. This led to the concept’s ambiguity, and the scarcity of jurisprudence studies or judicial applications that should contribute to activating the protective role of this concept.

Addressing this topic requires an analytical study of legal aid concept, and how it is embodied in both Egyptian and Qatari laws. This is for the sake of identifying the weaknesses and stagnation that require activation through specific legal mechanisms; which can be inspired by the French law, without prejudice to the legal constants that find their basis in Islamic Sharia.

Undoubtedly, this new conduct of the concept of legal aid enriches its content and extends the scope of its application to other categories of persons deprived of the exercise of their civil rights, such as the insane and the lunatic. These new applications, which realistically embody the legal aid concept, are among its hidden aspects, which the research uncovers, paving the way for in-depth future studies on an unexplored subject in Egyptian and Qatari laws.


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Legal aid cases
Legal aid
Legal protection
People with physical disabilities
Persons with intellectual disabilities

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How to Cite
Daoud, I. A. . (2023). Legal Aid under Civil Law: Concept and Standards–A Comparative Analytical Study Ibrahim Abdelaziz Daoud. International Review of Law, 11(3). https://doi.org/10.29117/irl.2022.0238
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