Elhoussein Loukili https://orcid.org/0009-0006-5788-6481


This study seeks to show the intersection between poetry and mysticismin Mikhail Naimy’s Hams al-jufun divan as this poet founded a unique experience which is sourced by the spiritual consciousness that leads to the truth that hides behind the phenomena. This is perhaps the secret that has led me to look for the intersection of poetry and mysticism that both of which aim at the inner and seek to fuel and sensitize emotions, and make them capable of love, sensation and interaction with existence and its things. This study was based on the central conception that spiritual freedom is a choice to which Mikhail Naimy turned in order to establish a poetical philosophy beyond aesthetic and art to reach to value and spirituality. This led his poetry to become contingent on an inner vision that achieves organic unity within the poems of the divan, and establishes the concept of spiritual beauty that derives its components from creative imagination. The study concludes that poetry and mysticism are manifestations of Mikhail Naimy's spiritual consciousness.


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Poetic vision
mystical consciousness
spiritual emotion
moral perfection
Hams al-jufūn Divan

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How to Cite
Loukili , Elhoussein. 2024. “The Intersection of Poetry and Sufism in Mikhail Naimy’s Divan Hams Al-Jufun”. Tajseer Journal 6 (1). https://doi.org/10.29117/tis.2024.0161.
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