Author Guidelines


The Style Manual is meant to help authors, peer reviewers, editors, and members of the International Review of Law in following standard guidelines and style for all published articles, to facilitate and accelerate the review and publishing process. We kindly ask you to follow these guidelines:

  1. Author Definition

    An author should meet the following three conditions:

    • He/she must have contributed to the conception and design of the study or to the acquisition, analysis and interpretation of data.
    • Drafted the manuscript or critically revised it.
    • Gave final approval to the manuscript version submitted for publication.
    • Research papers submitted by two or more researchers to the journal must obtain the consent of all participating authors in the research.

    A person should not be listed as an author if he/she does not fulfill the above-mentioned criteria. The acquisition of funding, collection of data, or supervision of the research group are not enough to justify authorship alone, however, such contributions shall be listed in the acknowledgments section.


  2. Acknowledgments

    Publication literature requires that researcher expresses their gratitude to the publisher, and to everyone who contributed in a valuable way to the research, and it shall be mentioned in the footnote.

  3. Funding Sources

    All sources of financial support for the research should be listed under this heading. Grant funding agency abbreviations should be spelled in full.

  4. Submission instruction

    All articles should be submitted on the journal’s online submission platform . For this purpose, it is mandatory to create a personal account for a timely follow-up on your submitted article. It is the author's responsibility to respond in a timely manner to the journal’s requests for any required amendments or documents.

    Authors are requested to carefully follow the journal’s writing guidelines before submitting their papers. If the paper does not comply with the guidelines, it will be returned for further amendments, before final consideration for publication.

  5. Writing guidelines

    • The article should match the aims and scope of the journal, and should provide an original and scholarly contribution to its field. It should have a clear purpose with a relevant principal theoretical assumption with a set of research questions. It should clearly describe the research context and provide a broad literature review on the subject. In addition, it should provide a valid methodology, critical analysis, in-depth discussion and relevant conclusion.

    • The article should be well-structured, well-written, and innovative. The author should provide a clear explanation of the main assumptions and layout a broad theoretical literature on the subject. In doing so, the author exhibits intellectual independence, original thoughts and innovation.

    • The article should not be published elsewhere or considered simultaneously for submission or publication in other journals. The author should seek the relevant permissions to reproduce the tables and illustrations and appropriately reference them. The editorial committee screens all manuscripts on “Ithenticate” plagiarism platform for not exceeding 15 to 20% similarity, before further consideration.

    • If the article is submitted in Arabic, please refer to the journal’s Arabic guidelines.

    • The articles should be between 6000 to 10,000 words, including references, bibliography, appendices, etc. Book reviews must not exceed 3500 words. As for scientific reports, it is recommended not to exceed 2500 words. Exceeding the journal word limit after revisions would require special approval from the editor in chief.

  6. Format

    The manuscript must be submitted in Word document, in Times New Roman 12 point font for the text and 10 points for the footnotes, 1.5 line spacing, with 2.5 cm / 1-inch normal margins. Punctuation marks should be followed by one space.

  7. Structure

    The following structure should be followed:

    Introduction : Definition of the research terms and variables - theoretical framework - previous research and studies - the importance of the subject – the research problem

    Research hypotheses : The relationships between the various variables and elements of the study - possible reasons for the occurrence of the mentioned problems - proposed hypotheses to solve the problem and reach the research result - research objectives

    Research methodology and discussions : Based on the chosen research methodology, and on the proposed hypotheses the discussions should test, clarify and discuss the proposed relationships and outcomes.

    Conclusion : Summary of the research results - practical and theoretical solutions that are found - benefits and shortages of the study - recommendations - proposed research gaps for future studies.

    References List : Formatted based on the journal’s style guide, the 16th edition of the Chicago manual of style.

  8. Numbering of main and sub-headings numbering

    Heading Level Numbering
    Heading 1 1.
    Heading 2 1.1.
    Heading 3 1.1.1.
  9. Tables

    Tables should be numbered in sequence and contain a short title.

    Smaller tables, which will fit into the manuscript in portrait format, may be included in the main manuscript text. Larger tables, or those which are in landscape mode, should be submitted as supplementary files that are named and numbered identically to the in-text content.

    Please use table layout options in Word processing program to display tables. Avoid using tabs to separate columns. Also, avoid using colours and shading.

    Tabular data may be uploaded as a supplementary file in either .xls, .xlsx or .csv formats.

  10. Other Illustrations

    Each illustration should be provided as a separate file.

    Preferred format for illustrations is pdf or png. Other formats can be used, but images may not translate fully.

    Please provide, for each figure, the figure number, short title.

    Note: The author must obtain permission from the copyright holder to reproduce figures in the journal published elsewhere. Failure to provide this permission can result in images not being included.

  11. Transliteration of Arabic References

    For papers written in English, the author should set a bibliography of sources and references at the end of the manuscript.

    For papers written in Arabic, the author should set a bibliography of sources and references at the end of the manuscript and add to it the transliteration/romanization Arabic references (if any, separately), according to the style used by the Library of Congress and in in the same style of citing footnotes.

  12. Title Page and Abstract

    (Required in English and Arabic).

    Article title (12 words and less)

    Full name of the first author

    Title…….., Affiliation/University………., Country

    Email………………... (No need to mention the word ‘Email’)

    Full name of co-author (same as the first auther)

    Title…….., Affiliation/University………., Country……...


    Abstract (between 250-300 words)

    The following items should be elaborated:

    Research purpose : Why did you chose to write this research paper? What is already known about this subject? What is not known, and hence what do you intend to examine? State the aims and hypotheses of the study; what gap/s is your research trying to respond to?

    Study Design/methodology/approach : What did you do to reach the findings you mentioned? What research approach did you use in your research? (Empirical, theoretical, inductive, analytical, deductive, historical, descriptive, case and field study approaches…) What tools, methods, or statistics did you use? Explain the population that was studied include sampling frames and response rates. State the important statistical analyses conducted, measures and outcomes explored.

    Findings : What did you learn/invent/create, and how the study answered the questions you raised, or did the study endorse the hypotheses of your study? (You should specify exactly what your study found, without biases, generalization or exaggeration).

    Research originality / value: What research gap/s did the study fill and its value How does your research contribute to future studies. Mention some of the primary implications and recommendations.

    Note: Whilst writing the abstract, sub-headings are not required for each part.

    Keywords: ………..; ………..; ………; …………..; ………… (should not exceed 5 keywords, should be selected depending on the topic).

    Researcher should abide by all the rules of the abstract regarding of content and layout.

  13. Style Guide

    Tajseer follows an amended version of the 16th edition of the Chicago manual of style . The following examples illustrate citations using the notes and bibliography style. Refer to the journal's previous issues for more examples.

    • Books:

      Author’s name, the title of the book (City of Publication: Publisher, Year of Publication), page number.


      Carole Mcgranahan, Writing anthropology: essays on craft and commitment (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2020), pp. 159-160.

      Ibid. or successive footnotes would be in the form: Mcgranahan, “Writing anthropology”, p. 5. For four or more authors, list all of the authors in the bibliography; in the note, list only the first author, followed by et al. (“and others”) as in this example: David Graeber et al., Why work? Arguments for the Leisure Society (London: Freedom Press, 2019), p. 15.

      In successive footnotes: Graeber et al., p. 10.

      And, should be written in the bibliography as follows:

      Mcgranahan, Carole. Writing anthropology: essays on craft and commitment. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2020.

    • Books Chapters:

      Author’s name, “Title of the chapter” In Book editor/s, Book title (City of publication: Publisher, Year of publication), page number.


      Lolwah R. M. Alkhater, “Qatar’s Borrowed K-12 Education Reform in Context”, In M. Erven Tok, Lolwah Alkhater & Leslie A. Pal, Policy-Making in a Transformative State: The case of Qatar (London: Pagrave Macmillan, 2016), p. 99.

      Cite in the bibliography as follows:

      Tok, M. Erven. Alkhater Lolwah. & A. Pal, Leslie. Policy-Making in a Transformative State: The case of Qatar. London: Pagrave Macmillan, 2016.

    • Scientific Journals :

      Author’s name, “Title of the article”, Name of Journal in italics, volume number, issue number (year of publication), page number.


      Eltigani Abdelgadir Hamid, "The Politics of the Two Qiblahs and the Emergence of an Alternative Islamic Monotheism", Vol. 33, No. 1, American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences (January 2016).

      And should be written in the bibliography as follows:

      Hamid, Eltigani Abdelgadir. "The Politics of the Two Qiblahs and the Emergence of an Alternative Islamic Monotheism". American Journal of Islamic Social Sciences, Vol. 33, No. 1 (January 2016).

    • Newspaper articles :

      Newspaper articles should be cited only in the footnotes (but not in the Bibliography).


      Joseph Varghese, “Vaccine efficacy likely to last for a year or more”, Gulf Times, 21/03/2021.

    • Online Resources :

      This includes blogs, forums, online newspapers, and all other webpages.

      Author’s name (if available), “The webpage title,” The website name, date of publication (if available), accessed on d/m/y, at: website link.

      If a URL is long, kindly consider using a URL shortener service such as


      Ali Bakeer, "Russia, Iran and the widening trust deficit in Syria", TRT World, 12/02/2019, accessed on 5/1/2021, at: