Qataris' Perceptions of Religion: An Exploratory Study
This exploratory field study aims to address a central issue in Qatari society, as it studies the issue of perceptions of Religion among Qataris, in terms of its concept, status, and importance in their lives. In addition, it tries to identify the sources from which Qatari society derives its perceptions of religion, through a number of questions; what are the Qataris' perceptions of religion? Which dimensions of religion are present, mostly, in the understandings and practices of Qataris? What are the sources of Qatari society in its perceptions of religion?
The authenticity of this study lies in linking the religious perceptions of Qatari society with the daily practices of its members on the one hand, and the sources they rely on to define the religion itself on the other hand, which made this study unique in covering an important research aspect that has been neglected, by adopting a mixed method approach that combines qualitative and quantitative methods, with the aim of creating integration between qualitative and quantitative data, which can provide a more comprehensive and smooth analysis in understanding the perceptions of Qataris about religion.
The findings of the study indicate that belief and worship are the central core in shaping the Qatari perception of religion, while the other surrounding elements are auxiliary dimensions that aid in shaping that perception and do not necessarily reflect its essence. Additionally, the study reveals that there is a harmony between religious perceptions and practices, which is reflected in the awareness of Qataris that the importance of their customs and traditions stems from their association with religion rather than their deviation from it.
Qatari societyReligionSocial representationsBeliefsPractices
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