Huda Ahmed Al-Kandari


The study aimed to identify the theoretical and intellectual foundations of digital leadership in distance learning, as well as to identify the reality of digital leadership in the distance learning experience of school principals in the primary stage in the State of Kuwait by applying a questionnaire to find out the teachers’ point of view. The researcher used the descriptive analytical approach in analyzing the study. A questionnaire consisting of four axes, namely the Digital Leadership, the Digital Learning Culture, the Digital Leadership Professional Practice and the Digital Learning Development, has been applied to a sample of male and female teachers, in the primary stage in the Ministry of Education in the State of Kuwait, of (179) male and female teachers. Through the application of the study tool, the statistical differences of study variables (sex, scientific qualification, years of experience, specialization and school district) have been identified. The results of the study showed that the reality of digital leadership in the distance learning experience came to a high level, with the strong consent of the sample members, with an average of (3.79), and the (e-learning culture) axis ranked first with an average of (3.88), then the sample members agreed on the (digital leadership and vision) with an average of (3.82), while the (professional practices of digital leadership) ranked with an average of (3.75), and in the last place came the (digital learning development) axis with an average of (3.72). The results of the study showed statistically significant differences in the sex variable in favour of females in the four axes of the study.


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Digital leadership
Distance learning

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How to Cite
Al-Kandari, Huda Ahmed. 2024. “The Reality of Digital Leadership in the Distance Learning Experience from the Perspective of Teachers in Primary Schools in the State of Kuwait”. Journal of Educational Sciences – Qatar University 24 (1).
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