Nabil Zegaoui


The present study demonstrates the value of biological perspective in studying political aspects, by identifying the biological foundations of political behavior, and exploring the contribution of biopolitical paradigm to interpretive frameworks of political needs and responses. The study investigates the possible contribution of the human body biology in interpreting political action and directing political decisions. It untangles the fundamental interplay between human nature factors and environmental factors in generating social and political behaviors, it provides evidence for the role of biological determinants to shape important political attitudes, as well as indications of emergence and increasing biopolitical decisions. The study employs the complexity approach in looking at the individual, and cognitive integration between life and political sciences in approaching the individual s body as a subject for political analysis, and since this experimental topic has never been investigated in the Arab world, its findings are based on the literature of advanced Anglo-Saxon studies. The paper concludes that politics is more complex and cannot be attributed to a single fundamental factor (environment or human nature). Political behavior can be traced to individual as well as institutional traits. The biopolitical approach, grounded in the biological backgrounds of politics, reveals that social progress largely depends on understanding human nature and integrating it into policy planning. However, there is a risk that it may also internally constrain humans by entangling political relationships within human nature.


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Life sciences
Human nature
Political Behavior
Political Science
Cognitive Integration

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How to Cite
Zegaoui , Nabil. 2024. “The Biological Perspective of Political Phenomena and the Bio-Politics Paradigm”. Tajseer Journal 6 (1).
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