Chiheb Yahyaoui


In this study, we raise the following questions: How can the interdisciplinary study of sociology and biology bridge the gap between the rationality of the natural sciences and the rationality of the social sciences, despite their differing epistemological foundations? These questions have led us to identify smaller sub-problems within two primary research directions, which we illustrate using examples from relevant studies. Our research employs a historical approach to analyze the historical developments and transformations in the relationship between biology and sociology. Additionally, we utilize a qualitative methodology, incorporating critical analysis techniques on examples from studies addressing the same issue, in order to demonstrate the theoretical and methodological interaction between these two fields when assessing the validity of the cultural gene hypothesis as a model for biological inheritance. One of the key conclusions drawn from our research is that understanding the interplay between biological and cultural factors in the transmission of behavioral traits across generations represents a continually evolving research field that has recently gained significance beyond specialized areas of study. Consequently, unraveling the intricacies of this phenomenon necessitates a convergence of multiple studies aimed at establishing the connections between these factors. This complexity arises because the interaction between genetic inheritance and cultural heritage operates through various mechanisms, thereby increasing the complexity of integrating psychological and social biological aspects in explaining behavioral phenomena and the transmission of cultural traits.


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biological determinism
social determinism
cultural gene
interdisciplinary study
social environment

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How to Cite
Yahyaoui , Chiheb. 2024. “The Generational Transition of the Social Environment Between Sociological Plausibility and Biological Heredity: An Interdisciplinary Approach”. Tajseer Journal 6 (1).
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