Deciphering Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary Contributions
The incapacity of many human societies to deal with contemporary environmental questions (such as climate change, health epidemics, land-use, forestry management, renewable and non-renewable resources, housing, poverty, and urban planning) can be contrasted with the viewpoint of many professionals and politicians who are convinced that they have the “right answers.” However, the lack of consensus about climate change, the stock of renewable and non-renewable resources, and the failure of so-called “model” housing estates and urban planning projects constructed since the 1950s in countries with socialist or freemarket economies clearly show that new ideas, working methods, objectives, and criteria are needed in both scientific research and professional practice. The challenges related to dealing with the above-mentioned problems concern their complexity, the compartmentalization of scientific and professional knowledge, the sector-based division of responsibilities in contemporary society, and the increasingly diverse nature of the societal contexts in which people live. In addition, the lack of effective collaboration between scientists, professionals, and policy decision-makers has led to the “applicability gap” in sectors that deal with both the natural and human-made environment. This article discusses the added value of interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary contributions as well as the challenges that are commonly confronted by those who wish to implement them to deal with complex real-world issues.
Interdisciplinary and Transdisciplinary contributionsEnvironmentCollaboration
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