Moulay Abdessadek Ahl Ben Taleb


The study explores the issue of cultural hybridity, given its centrality in post-colonial studies as an inevitable outcome of identity erasure at the intersection of civilizations due to colonial influence. The hybrid identity becomes a negotiating space that does not necessarily allow for a return to origins or complete transition to renewed self-positions. Employing a binary approach to the narrative of Sudanese writer Tayeb Salih in "Season of Migration to the North," within its historical context and through inductive, deductive, and intertextual mechanisms, the study seeks to investigate the cultural approaches of Indian critic Homi Bhabha and the psychoanalytical diagnosis of Frantz Fanon, as well as Edward Said's Orientalism, in both colonial and post-colonial contexts, going beyond the dichotomous readings of conflicting Eastern and Western civilizations.

The research aims to examine the cohesion, deterioration, or neutralization of the opposing Manichean binaries from Said's perspective in the novel, and the limits of desire for the main characters in their identity shifts, exploring a third dimension that is more intricate and profound in diagnosing the colonial experience within its distinctive Eastern cultural context. The study concludes that the main character, as the subject of cultural hybridity, has not completely shed their Eastern identity despite their pursuit of dual belonging. They have retained their awareness of the pivotal historical moment and the civilizational significance of the conflict between the West and the East that shaped their trajectory. All of this makes them a unique hybrid entity that defies categorizations by Homi Bhabha's liminality, Spivak's subalternity, Fanon's psychopathology, or Said's rigid Manichean binaries, due to the identity derived from a distinct Arab cultural context.


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Civilizational certitude


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How to Cite
Ben Taleb, Moulay Abdessadek Ahl. 2023. “Post-Manicheanism: Civilizational Certitude, and Militarized Hybridity in Season of Migration to the North”. Tajseer Journal 5 (1).
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