The Lexicon of Ethics in ṬāhāʻAbd al-Raḥmān’s Blog: A Methodological Introduction to study the Ethical Conception
This research starts from that the (ethical conception) is the main topic for ṬāhāʻAbd al-Raḥmān scientific and philosophic project. The (ethical conception) considered a corner stone of established blog in (religion philosophy). ṬāhāʻAbd al-Raḥmān’s Blog consist of conceptual and lexical terminology. The research sought to reveal the ethic’s theoretical origins, and its intellectual, linguistic and logical requirements. The research presented ṬāhāʻAbd al-Raḥmān’s approach in developing Ethical concepts through using the potential of the Arabic language, in terms of grammar, derivation, morphology, through contrasting, similarity of formulas and similarity of words syllables, to reflect the convergence in ethical concepts. The research presented the characteristics of lexicon ethics in ṬāhāʻAbd al-Raḥmān’s Blog, by criticizing Ibn Rushd's effort in implementing the ethical concept that taken from the Greek philosophical content through summarization (al-Talkhīṣ) and explanation (al-Sharḥ), and through Ṭāhā's evaluation of the works of the Arabic translation for the Greek ethical concept. While he is correcting the Arabic translation for the ethical concept, Ṭāhā has put into use the theory of pragmatics and the conversation theory, the correction done based on assuming that the natural language is a coherent system of elements and not a set of fragmented vocabulary. It also dealt with Ṭāhā's effort in providing the intellectual reference for the philosophical language and the ethical concept, through the language of theology, mysticism, the science of principles, and the language of hermeneutics. The research concludes that the ethical concept for Ṭāhā ʻAbd al-Raḥmān constructs within an integrated system from a pragmatic, conversational, approximate, translational and idiomatic perspective.
Deliberative fieldDeliberative approximationActionConsiderationEthics
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